OSHA, The Joint Commission, and Joint Commission Resources, Inc. continue to recognize the value of maintaining a collaborative relationship to improve safety and health practices and programs in American workplaces and commit to continue their work together through an Alliance Program Ambassador relationship.
In recognition of this ongoing commitment, OSHA will continue to foster an active relationship with The Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources, Inc. by:
- Providing routine communications on enforcement, regulatory, and outreach initiatives.
- Sharing invitations to and offering opportunities to speak at OSHA Alliance Program and other agency stakeholder meetings or events, such as outreach and training activities through the National, Regional, or Area Office, and the National Alliance Program Construction Roundtable and Forum.
- Engaging in information sharing and technical discussions, as appropriate, including completing special projects of mutual interest that align with agency priorities and as resources allow;
The Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources, Inc. will continue to foster an active relationship with OSHA by:
- Sharing information with stakeholders on OSHA’s National Initiatives (Enforcement, Regulatory, and Outreach), and encouraging their participation in OSHA’s outreach initiatives and rulemaking processes.
- Sharing information with stakeholders on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
- Encouraging stakeholders to build relationships with OSHA’s National, Regional and Area Offices to address health and safety issues.
- Sharing information with OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).
- Offering OSHA opportunities to speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, local meetings, and other events.
Products and Resources
Alliance Program Participant Developed Products
Environment of Care® News Articles
- Standing Up for Safety: Help Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls (PDF). Discusses prevention of slip, trip, and fall injuries in healthcare settings.
- Handling with Care: Practicing Safe Patient Handling (PDF). Discusses musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in healthcare settings and describes strategies for implementing a safe patient handling and movement program.
- Assault Halt: OSHA and The Joint Commission Offer Guidance and Resources to Curb Workplace Violence (PDF). Discusses resources for preventing workplace violence in healthcare settings.
- Helping Health Care Workers to Breathe Easy: OSHA updates TB enforcement instruction (PDF). Discusses OSHA’s tuberculosis directive.
- Inpatient Workplaces under the Microscope: OSHA expands hazards policy enforcement at hospitals, nursing homes, care centers, and residential care facilities (PDF). Discusses OSHA’s healthcare enforcement priorities and the implications for the industry.
- Protecting Patients and Staff from Infection Risks: Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces (PDF). Discusses preventing healthcare-associated infections while safeguarding workers against health hazards associated with cleaning products.
- Guidelines for Zero Tolerance: New OSHA Publication Helps Prevent Violence in the Health Care Setting (PDF). Features OSHA's revised Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers (EPUB | MOBI). OSHA Publication 3148.
- New Online Publications Focus on Respiratory Protection for Health Care Workers (PDF). Discusses new resources on respiratory protection for healthcare workers, including new OSHA/NIOSH publication, Hospital Respiratory Protection Program Toolkit: Resources for Respirator Program Administrators (EPUB | MOBI).
- Protecting Temporary Workers: Personnel Safety in the Health Care Setting (PDF). Addresses the responsibilities of health care organizations and staffing agencies with regard to temporary workers.
- Dangerous Disposal: OSHA's Fact Sheet on Safe Handling of Ebola-contaminated Waste (PDF). Highlights the OSHA/NIOSH/EPA fact sheet (PDF) on protecting healthcare workers who handle, treat, transport, or dispose of Ebola-contaminated waste.
- Laser Beam Safety Scheme: Why your health care organization needs to implement an effective medical laser safety program (PDF). Provides information on laser classification, laser hazards, and emphasizes the need for medical laser programs.
- Glovesick: Hospital Gloves are Vulnerable to Permeation, Punctures, and Other Risks; Here's How to Keep Health Care Workers Safe (PDF). Provides information on several factors that can compromise the glove's ability to protect the worker, in addition to the pros and cons of commonly used material types for hospital gloves.
- North American Occupational Safety & Health Week Set for May (PDF). Highlights the 2014 NAOSH Week events held at the Department of Labor.
- OSHA Worker Safety in Hospitals Program Launched Online (PDF). Highlights the OSHA website for worker safety in hospitals and providing links to the agency's compliance assistance materials. The article also includes information on the comparison of The Joint Commission's standards with OSHA's requirements in a safety and health management system for the health care industry.
- Engineering Solutions to Workplace Violence: Prevent Workplace Violence via Safety-enhancing Design and Equipment (PDF). Highlights the dangers associated with workplace violence in the healthcare industry. The article reviews engineering and administrative controls.
- Labeling the Hazard: OSHA to Institute "Global Harmonization" of Hazard Communications (PDF). Discusses OSHA's recent revision of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), 29 CFR 1910.1200, and the standard's alignment with the United Nations' Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. The article also provides information on the new labeling requirements in the HCS for hazardous chemicals.
- North American Occupational Safety & Health (NAOSH) Week, May 5-11, 2013: Safer Workplaces Emphasized; OSHP Day Set for May 8 (PDF). Emphasizes the importance of protecting workers, avoiding injury and illness, and eradicating hazards while at work as their support for the 2013 NAOSH Week. The article also highlights the 2013 NAOSH Week Kick-off event held at the Department of Labor.
- Protection Partnership: How Health Care Organizations Can Better Secure the Safety of Workers and Patients Alike (PDF). Discusses the interrelationship between patient and worker safety in healthcare facilities. The last in the two-part series, the article explores the significance of mutual patient and worker safety, provides the means that both groups can be better protected, and presents the characteristics of a culture of safety.
- Safety Synergy: The Importance of Stressing Safety for Both Workers and Patients in Health Care Organizations (PDF). Discusses the interrelationship between patient and worker safety in healthcare facilities. The article also provides information on The Joint Commission's monograph, "Improving Patient and Worker Safety," which provides action steps to successful integration of patient and worker safety.
- Green and Clean: How Hospitals Can Protect Patients and Workers by Using Earth-Friendly and Sustainable Products/Practices (PDF). Discusses the importance of adopting sustainable products and practices for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting healthcare facilities. The article also provides requirements for selecting green cleaning products.
- OSHA 300: A Log to Live By - Properly Documenting Work-Related Injuries/Illnesses Can Reduce Incidents (PDF). Discusses the evolution of the OSHA work-related injury/illness log, the use of the 300 log to target prevention resources, and the proper way to complete the log.
- Sharp Focus: How health care workers can prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogen (PDF). Reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and presents guidelines for preventing sharps injuries. The article also includes proper disposal procedures and summarizes the benefits of a good exposure plan.
- North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week May 6-12, 2012: Job safety stressed; kick-off event May 7 (PDF). Emphasizes the importance of preventing harm, eliminating hazards, and safeguarding health while on the job as TJC/JCR support for 2012 NAOSH Week. The article also highlights the 2012 NAOSH Week Kick-off event held at the Department of Labo.
- Top 10 OSHA Citations in Health Care - OSHA releases information for October 1, 2010-September 30, 2011 (PDF). Highlights the top ten OSHA citations issued to healthcare facilities in Fiscal Year 2011. The information is based on the percentage of federal OSHA inspections within the health care industry (Standard Industrial Classification Code 80, Health Services) that resulted in specific standard citations.
- OSHA Issues Directive on Workplace Violence: Health Care Organizations May Be Inspected After Incidents or Complaints Occur (PDF). Provides health care facilities identify and abate incidents of workplace violence.
- Worker Exposure to Hazardous Drugs Subject of NIOSH Alert and Guidelines: The Joint Commission and OSHA Lend Support to National Effort to Curb Hazards (PDF). Discusses protecting workers through evaluation, recognition, and control of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs found in health care facilitie.
- Nobody Likes It Hot: Preventing Heat Stress in At-Risk Workers (PDF). Includes signs and symptoms of various heat related illnesses and prevention and treatment tactics.
- The Hazard Communication Standard in Health Care: Labeling, MSDS, and Other Aspects of Dealing with Chemicals (PDF). Discusses hazard communication within the health care industry and how the proposed revisions to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard would impact current practices.
- Protecting the Protectors: Best Practices for Protecting EMS Responders (PDF). Discusses protecting emergency medical services responders from hazardous substances releases.
- Putting the Brakes on Health Care "Road Rage" Recognizing and Opposing Disruptive Behavior to Help Maintain Safety and Security (PDF). Highlights workplace violence within the healthcare industry, including a specific focus on workplace bullying.
- Underserved Health Care Workers: Lack of Coverage for Frontline Workers Can Compromise Patient Safety (PDF). Highlights the dangers associated with workers serving in the healthcare industry with little or no access to their own medical coverage.
Related Safety and Health Topics Pages
Additional Resources
- Alliance webpage. TJC and JCR webpage for the National Alliance with OSHA.
- Improving Patient and Worker Safety: Opportunities for Synergy, Collaboration and Innovation (PDF). TJC Monograph.
- Inspection Guidance for Inpatient Healthcare Settings. OSHA Memorandum.
- Safe Patient Handling: Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nursing Homes (PDF). OSHA Publication, 3708.
- NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication.
- Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers (PDF). OSHA Publication 3148.
- Workplace Violence Prevention: Implementing Strategies for Safer Healthcare Organizations. TJC and OSHA-sponsored event.