Young Workers Restaurant Safety » Quizzes – Puzzle Game Introduction

Safety Puzzle GameClick here to start

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After you have read all of the restaurant modules you are ready to take the quizzes and play the Restaurant Safety Puzzle Game!

You will receive a puzzle piece for each quiz you finish correctly. If you finish all the quizzes, the puzzle will be complete and you may print a completion certificate. If you close the puzzle board you will lose your puzzle pieces and will need to start over.

Download a paper copy of the quizzes. If you would like an answer key, please contact us.

The puzzle game has the following sections:

Puzzle game sections
Section Amount of questions
Serving 8 questions
Clean-up 14 questions
Drive-thru 9 questions
Cooking 9 questions
Food Preparation 10 questions
Delivery/Storage 8 questions
General Hazards 10 questions
Resources 10 questions