Log Breakdown, Related Machinery and Facilities » Log Carriages/Carriage Runways

A log carriage is framework (mounted on wheels) that runs on tracks or in grooves parallel to the face of the saw. Carriages also contain an apparatus that holds a log securely while advancing it toward the saw.

Log carriages/ carriage runways


End stop for limiting travel of log carriage
End stop for limiting travel of log carriage

Workers may be struck by the log carriage or other moving equipment.

  • Install a stop or bumper that can tolerate shock at each end of the carriage runway. 1910.265(e)(1)(i)

Log carriage on head rig without carriage travel stop barrier. #1
Log carriage on head rig without carriage travel stop barrier.
Log carriage on head rig without carriage travel stop barrier. #2
Log carriage on head rig without carriage travel stop barrier.
  • Guard sheaves on rope-driven carriages with substantial housings. 1910.265(e)(1)(iii)

  • Provide a control locking device, carriage tie-down, or both to prevent unintended movement of the carriage. 1910.265(e)(1)(iv)

  • Secured entrance to log carriage travel area #2
    Secured entrance to log carriage travel area

    Provide a barrier to prevent employees from entering the travel space of the carriage. Post warning signs at possible entry points to this area. 1910.265(e)(1)(v)

Secured entrance to log carriage travel area #1
Secured entrance to log carriage travel area
Unprotected entrance to log carriage travel area
Unprotected entrance to log carriage travel area
  • For a rider-type carriage, provide adequate overhead space above the carriage deck. This applies to the full carriage runway length. 1910.265(e)(1)(vi)

  • Log carriage knee and dogging devices
    Log carriage knee and dogging devices

    Dogging devices must be adequate to secure logs, cants, or boards, during sawing operations. 1910.265(e)(1)(viii)

Workers may slip and fall if the platform of the carriage is not stable.

  • Rider-type carriages must be floored to provide secure footing and a firm working platform for the block setter. 1910.265(e)(1)(ii)

Log carriage with one rail sweep missing
Log carriage - one rail sweep missing

Debris on the track rails may lead to a derailment or other sudden movement that throws the operator.