Electric Power Generation Transmission Distribution » Medical Services and First Aid

1910.269 Photo credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

See: 1910.269(b) on medical services and first aid

Electric Shock. Because electric power work poses a serious potential electric shock hazard for workers, the "269" standard contains additional requirements for CPR and first aid beyond the general requirements in 1910.151 (also see First Aid Requirements). These requirements (1910.269(b)(1)) apply when a person is potentially exposed to 50 volts or more, which is the recognized level that can result in enough current to cause cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation. Under certain circumstances, new employees who are otherwise 269-qualified may work but they must be trained in CPR and first aid within three months of hire. Some of the requirements outlined in "269" that are related to safety and first id requirements include:

1910.269 Photo credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

1910.269(b) on medical services and first aid

Although not required by the "269" standard, OSHA suggests that CPR training include instruction on use of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). (See proposed rule – "AED")
  • Two-person rule. Crews of at least two people are required in several circumstances so that one person can provide first aid or CPR to the other person if needed. Two people are required for work:

    • In most situations where a worker is exposed to contact with lines or equipment energized at more than 600 volts. (See 1910.269(l)(1)(i).)

    • In manholes and some vaults that are underground: a second person trained in CPR and first aid must be immediately available aboveground when a worker is working underground. (See 1910.269(e)(7) and 1910.269(t)(3))

    • Involving certain tasks performed by tree crews, including trimming trees or roping branches near energized lines.
      (See 1910.269(r)(1)(ii))

  • Required CPR training 
    1910.269 Photo credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    For more information on the two-person rule, see:

    1910.269(l)(1)(i) on energized parts

    1910.269(e)(7) & 1910.269(t)(3) on underground work

    1910.269(r) on line clearance tree trimming

    OSHA's February 22, 1999 Letter of Interpretation to Richard Terrill

    4-minute rescue. At fixed work locations, such as power plants and staffed substations, a sufficient number of workers must be trained so that an electric shock victim is not more than 4 minutes from a first aid and CPR-trained worker (see 4-Minute Rescue Requirement).

  • Working alone. Safe work practices must be in place to minimize the possibility of someone working alone coming into contact with energized parts and all other electrical hazards. Such practices include deenergizing and/or working with insulating tools (for example, hotsticks, switchsticks, shotgun sticks) and equipment, among others.

Working alone is not dependent on first aid/CPR response. A worker must be accompanied by another worker if their duties fall into one of the categories in 1910.269(l)(1)(i), unless exempted by 269(l)(1)(ii).)