Find & Fix Hazards
At the core of every effective safety and health program is a systematic process for identifying and controlling (i.e., finding and fixing) workplace hazards.
Why Is It Important?
Traditional approaches to finding and fixing workplace hazards are often reactive. Actions are taken only after a worker is injured or becomes sick, a new standard or regulation is published, or an outside inspection finds a problem that must be fixed. Finding and fixing hazards using a proactive approach, before they cause injury or illness, is far more effective.
Workplaces are always evolving as new technologies, processes, materials, and workers are introduced. By adopting a systematic approach, businesses can stay on top of emerging hazards that could lead to injury or illness.
A systematic find and fix approach means:
- Involving workers, who often have the best understanding of the conditions that create hazards and insights into how they can be controlled.
- Reviewing all available information about hazards that might be present.
- Conducting inspections to identify new or emerging hazards.
- Investigating incidents to identify root causes and potential solutions.
- Evaluating options using the "hierarchy of controls."
- Considering how to protect workers during emergencies and nonroutine activities.
- Checking that existing controls are intact and remain effective.

Check on Safety Challenge
Finding and fixing hazards can help you move your business forward to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. Start building your approach by taking this challenge.

Eyes on Safety Challenge
Whether you inspect your workplace on a regular basis or are just getting your workplace safety and health program started, conduct a safety walkaround today.

Halt a Hazard
Setting aside time to regularly identify and rank safeguards can help keep safety and health hazards under control and keep workers safe. This challenge will help you identify a hazard to control.

Safety Shuffle Challenge
A job swap offers a fresh perspective for identifying hazards a person who routinely does the job might miss. Take the Safety Shuffle Challenge to look more closely at the jobs in your workplace, promote skill and knowledge sharing between workers and managers, and engage workers to help find and fix hazards.