OSHA and NALP continue to recognize the value of maintaining a collaborative relationship to improve safety and health practices and programs in American workplaces, and commit to continue their work together through an Alliance Program Ambassador relationship.
In recognition of this ongoing commitment, OSHA will continue to foster an active relationship with NALP by:
- Providing routine communication on enforcement, regulatory, and outreach initiatives.
- Sharing invitations to, and offering opportunities to speak at, the OSHA Alliance Program and other agency stakeholder meetings or events, such as outreach and training activities through the National, Regional, or Area Offices, and the National Alliance Program Construction Roundtable and Forum.
- Engaging in information sharing and technical discussions, as appropriate, including completing special projects of mutual interest that align with agency priorities and as resources allow.
NALP will continue to foster an active relationship with OSHA by:
- Sharing information with members and stakeholders on OSHA’s National Initiatives (enforcement, regulatory, and outreach), and encouraging their participation in OSHA’s outreach initiatives and rulemaking processes.
- Sharing information with members and stakeholders on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
- Encouraging members and stakeholders to build relationships with OSHA’s National, Regional, and Area Offices to address health and safety issues.
- Sharing information with OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding NALP good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).
- Offering OSHA opportunities to speak, exhibit, or appear at NALP’s conferences, local meetings, or other events.
Products and Resources
Alliance Program Participant Developed Products
- Safe Fueling of Vehicles, Equipment, and Containers with Liquid Fuels (Gasoline and Diesel) Card (PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help prevent injuries and fatalities while adding fuel to landscaping vehicles and equipment.
- Irrigation Crews and the Safe Transportation of Chemicals Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help landscaping irrigation crews safely transport chemicals. The card is also available in Spanish as a NALP product, which was developed outside of the Alliance Program. (Spanish translation 2016, April).
- Gasoline Powered Cut-off Machines Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help prevent injuries to those working with gasoline powered cut-off machines. (Updated 2009, March).
- Interior Plantscaping General Safety Tips Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help prevent injuries during interior plantscaping activities. (Spanish translation; 2013, January.
- Interior Plantscaping Ladder Safety Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips and best practices to help prevent injuries when using ladders to maintain plants that are above shoulder level in plantscaping. (Spanish translation 2011, December).
- Leaving a Job Site in the Middle of a Landscape Design/Build Installation Project (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a fact sheet providing safety tips for leaving a job site, including information related to site access and security, slipping/tripping hazards, and equipment and materials. (Spanish translation March 2013).
- Mobile Device Distractions in the Workplace (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance (formerly PLANET), NALP developed a fact sheet focusing on mobile device distractions in the workplace. (Spanish 2015, May).
- Mower and Hedge Trimmer Safety (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance (formerly PLANET), NALP developed a card focusing on lawn mower and hedge trimmer safe work practices. (Spanish 2015, May).
- Personal Protective Equipment for Mixing Chemicals in Lawn Care Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing the best practices for personal protective equipment when mixing chemicals in lawn care. (Updated March, 2009).
- Preventing Injuries to your Eyes and Ears in Landscaping Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help prevent injuries to eyes and ears during landscaping operations. (Spanish Translation 2013, January).
- Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries in Interior Plantscaping (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card providing general safety information on how interior plantscaping workers can prevent and reduce the severity of repetitive motion injuries. (Spanish translation October 2013).
- Roadside Safety (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card providing general safety information on how to work next to motor vehicle traffic during landscaping projects, including the use worker safety apparel and temporary traffic safety barriers. (Spanish translation November 2013).
- Safety Tips Sheet No. 1: Slip and Trip Injuries (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). This NALP-developed tips sheet for employers and employees describes the possible causes of slip and trip injuries in the landcare industry and how the injuries could be prevented.
- Safety Tips Sheet No. 2: Reducing the Risk of Lifting Injuries in the Landscape and Horticultural Industries (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). This NALP-developed tips sheet for employers and employees describes possible causes of lifting injuries in the landcare industry and how the injuries could be prevented.
- Safety Tips Sheet No. 3: Driving Defensively to Reduce the Risk of a Motor Vehicle Crash (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). This NALP-developed tips sheet for employers and employees describes possible conditions that can cause a motor vehicle crash and offers defensive driving safety tips.
- Safety Tips Sheet No. 4: Reducing the Risk of an Amputation (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). This NALP-developed tips sheet for employers and employees provides information on amputations in the horticultural industry and offers safety tips for reducing the risk of amputations.
- Securing Equipment Safely for Transport (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance (formerly PLANET), NALP developed a card focusing on properly securing landscape equipment safe for transport. (Spanish 2015, May).
- Using Small Equipment Safely in Landscaping Card (PDF), Spanish (Spanish - PDF). Through the OSHA and NALP Alliance, NALP developed a card describing general safety tips to help prevent injuries to those working with small equipment in landscaping. (Updated 2009, March).