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Actions and Processes after Acceptance into OSHA Challenge
Challenge Participants
OSHA Challenge Stage Placement after a Challenge Participant has been Accepted into OSHA Challenge
- A new Challenge participant typically begins OSHA Challenge in Stage I.
- A new Challenge participant may also begin in Stage II or Stage III after demonstrating that their safety and health management program has met the previous OSHA Challenge stage requirements. This determination is made by the Challenge Administrator after the completion of a gap analysis using the OSHA Challenge Tracking Participant Spreadsheet (OCTPS) form.
OSHA Challenge Stage Requirements
- Challenge participants work with their Challenge Administrator to obtain training and information needed to develop effective safety and health management programs.
- Challenge participants use the OCTPS form to track their progress towards completing the OSHA Challenge stage requirements.
Challenge Administrators
OSHA Challenge Stage Placement
- The Challenge Administrator determines what OSHA Challenge stage a Challenge participant will start in by conducting a gap analysis using the OCTPS form.
Administration of OSHA Challenge
- The Challenge Administrator assists their Challenge participants in obtaining training, developing best practices, and sharing information necessary to meet all OSHA Challenge stage requirements.
OSHA Challenge Stage Completions
- After receiving notification of a possible stage completion by a Challenge participant, the Challenge Administrator verifies that the OSHA Challenge stage requirements have been met. Verifications may be done through onsite visits, document reviews, and/or telephone conferencing.
- After verifying stage completion by a Challenge participant, the Challenge Administrator submits an OSHA Challenge stage completion report (including a summary of the verification) to their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison.
Recognition Letters from OSHA for OSHA Challenge Stage Completions
- After the OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison reviews the information submitted by the Challenge Administrator and confirms the OSHA Challenge stage requirements have been met, a congratulatory letter is issued by the appropriate OSHA official:
- Stage I - The Area Director of the Area Office with jurisdiction over the Challenge participant’s site signs the Stage I completion recognition letter.
- Stage II - The Regional Administrator of the Regional Office with jurisdiction over the Challenge participant’s site signs the Stage II completion recognition letter.
- Stage III - The Assistant Secretary of OSHA signs the Stage III completion recognition letter.
Reporting Information to OSHA
- Each year by February 15 the Challenge Administrator prepares and submits the Challenge Administrator Annual Summary Report to their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison.
- The Challenge Administrator informs their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison of any significant changes, such as updated contact information for themselves and their Challenge participants.
Withdrawing from OSHA Challenge
- A Challenge participant or a Challenge Coordinator may withdraw from OSHA Challenge any time after notifying their Challenge Administrator of their intent to withdraw and the reason(s). The Challenge Administrator informs their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison of the withdrawals.
- If a Challenge Administrator intends to withdraw from OSHA Challenge, they must notify their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison (in writing) of their intent and the reason(s). The Challenge Administrator must assist their OSHA National Office Challenge Liaison in identifying potential Challenge Administrators for their Challenge participants.
Termination from OSHA Challenge
- OSHA may terminate Challenge Administrators or Challenge participants for reasons including, but not limited to, lack of resources, lack of participation, failure to submit required data, and failure to meet requirements or responsibilities.
- OSHA will notify in writing any Challenge Administrator or Challenge participant of its intent to terminate their participation. The affected party will be provided 30 days to appeal the proposed termination in writing.
- Following an unsuccessful appeal or in the absence of an appeal, OSHA will send a final termination letter with the date of the letter as the effective termination date.