Success Stories
By participating in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), many employers have improved their workplace safety and health management systems and implemented activities or procedures that have produced outstanding results and contributed to improved safety and health for workers. The VPP has a 20+ year history, and the average VPP worksite has a Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) case rate that is 52% below the average for its industry. VPP participation can also lead to lower employee turnover and increased productivity and cost savings.
The following are some examples of Success with VPP:
Arranged by Region
Region V
Region VI
Region VII
Region VIII
Region X
Submit a VPP Success Story
OSHA is committed to providing outreach and assistance to help employers proactively address safety and health issues in the workplace and to sharing the successes VPP participants. We welcome submissions from VPP participants. To submit a Success Story, please fill out the template and email it to your VPP OSHA Liaison.