- Part Number:1956
- Part Number Title:State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards Applicable to State and Local Government Employees in States Without Approved Private Employee Plans
- Subpart:1956 Subpart B
- Subpart Title:Criteria
- Standard Number:
- Title:Indices of effectiveness.
- GPO Source:
General. In order to satisfy the requirements of effectiveness under § 1956.10 (c)(1) and (d)(1), the State plan for public employees shall:
Provides for prompt and effective standards setting actions for the protection of employees against new and unforeseen hazards, by such means as the authority to promulgate emergency temporary standards. Such authority is particularly appropriate for those situations where public employees are exposed to unique hazards for which existing standards do not provide adequate protection.
Provides effective sanctions against public employers who violate State standards and orders, or applicable public agency standards, such as those prescribed in the Act. In lieu of monetary penalties a complex of enforcement tools and rights, such as various forms of equitable remedies available to the designee including administrative orders; availability of employee rights such as right to contest citations, and provisions for strengthened employee participation in enforcement may be demonstrated to be as effective as monetary penalties in achieving complianace in public employment. In evaluating the effectiveness of an alternate system for compelling compliance, elements of the enforcement educational program such as a system of agency self inspection procedures, and in-house training programs, and employee complaint procedures may be taken into consideration.
Provides for an employer to have the right of review of violations alleged by the State or any agency to which it has duly delegated authority, abatement periods and proposed penalties, where appropriate, for employees or their representatives to challenge the reasonableness of the period of time fixed in the citation for the abatement of the hazard, and for employees or their representatives to have an opportunity to participate in review, proceedings, by such means as providing for admininistrative review, with an opportunity for a full hearing on the issues.
Additional indices. Upon his own motion, or after consideration of data, views, and arguments received in any proceedings held under subpart C of this part, the Assistant Secretary may prescribe additional indices for any State plan for public employees which shall be in furtherance of the purpose of this section.