# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.1000 - Permissible Exposure Limits for Nuisance dust.
2 - 1910.1000 - Request for a regulatory clarification concerning commercial carbon black.
3 - 1910.1000 - Cyanide Antidotes
4 - 1910.1000 - OSHA requirements for smoke plume generated from laser and electrosurgical instruments in dental offices and hospital operating rooms
5 - 1910.1000 - Field extraction procedure for isocyanate air samples
6 - 1910.1000 - PEL for cotton dust when exposure is from cotton fibers used in the manufacture of absorbent glass tubes.
7 - 1910.1000 - Clarification on the applicability of the Hazard Communication standard DEF tank operations.
8 - 1910.1000 - Use of IOM sampler for inhalable dust.
9 - 1910.1000 - OSHA requirements for mercury response and clean-up personnel in a number of different site-specific scenarios.
10 - 1910.1000 - Application of OSHA PEL for nitric oxide as 8-hr TWA to pregnant employees.
11 - 1910.1000 - OSHA's position on employer performing additional air monitoring that exceeds OSHA requirements.
12 - 1910.1000 - Clarification of requirements for storage and use of flammable and/or combustible liquids.
13 - 1910.1000 - Explanation of OSHA's determination of the PEL for amorphous silica.
14 - 1910.1000 - Potential health hazards from exposures to ammonia and EMF radiation from hair dryers for beauty salon workers.
15 - 1910.1000 - Employer's responsibility to protect employees from workplace hazards through appropriate hazard control methods
16 - 1910.1000 - Reiteration of Existing OSHA Policy on Indoor Air Quality: Office Temperature/Humidity and Environmental Tobacco Smoke
17 - 1910.1000 - Use of occupational exposure levels (OELs) for substances not covered by an OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).
18 - 1910.1000 - Applicable OSHA standards and safety considerations for microwave device use in a laboratory
19 - 1910.1000 - Hierarchy of controls for exposure to air contaminants
20 - 1910.1000 - Clarification of minimum face velocity requirements for spray booths
21 - 1910.1000(c) - OSHA's position on the risk associated with asbestos exposure at the current PEL.
22 - 1910.1000 - Appropriate air sampling methods for copper and zinc oxide.
23 - 1910.1000 - Exposure limits and symptoms of Hydroquinone, acetic acid, and glutaraldehyde exposure.
24 - 1910.1000 - Worker exposure to tobacco smoke.
25 - 1910.1000 - Special emphasis program for silicosis.
26 - 1910.1000 - OSHA's regulations for chemicals used in the workplace, and in particular, glutaraldehyde.
27 - 1910.1000 - Railroad workers and their exposure to crystalline silica.
28 - 1910.1000 - Variance exposure level for silver metal.
29 - 1910.1000 - 8-hour total weight average (TWA) permissible exposure limit (PEL).
30 - 1910.1000 - The appropriate method for assessing hydrogen sulfide peak exposure levels
31 - 1910.1000 - An error in the 1910.1000 Z-Tables.
32 - 1910.1000, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-2, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-3 - Request for a list of all OSHA-regulated air contaminants.
33 - 1910.1000 - Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) regulations for ozone.
34 - 1910.1000 - Occupational health hazards to veterinarians.
35 - 1910.1000, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-2, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-3 - Compliance and Enforcement Activities affected by the PELs Decision.
36 - 1910.1000 - Wood dust sampling
37 - 1910.1000 - Exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) in lighting equipment.
38 - 1910.1000 - Spray painting relating to vehicle maintenance operations.
39 - 1910.1000 - Regulations For Cotton Waste Operations
40 - 1910.1000 - Enforcement of the Chromate and Chromic Acid PEL
41 - 1910.1000 - Ventilation for an anhydrous ammonia refrigeration system.
42 - 1910.1000 - Regulating employee exposure to wood dust
43 - 1910.1000 - Metal cyclones Supplied by SKC Inc. are not to be used for sampling respirable dust.
44 - 1910.1000 - Response to Freedom of Information Act request for standards and guidelines related to working around aircraft.
45 - 1910.1000 - Inquiry on monitoring device for cigarette smoke in buildings.
46 - 1910.1000 - Response to a request for information concerning the OSHA standard for carbon monoxide.
47 - 1910.1000 - Information on the health hazard of ozone produced by common office copiers and on radon gas testing devices.
48 - 1910.1000 - Advertisement on cleaning up mercury spills from glass thermometers
49 - 1910.1000 - Benzo(a)pyrene regulated with coal tar pitch volatiles.; Response to request for information on benzo(a)pyrene.
50 - 1910.1000 - Standard for exposure to tetrahydrofuran; Respirators may be worn only if engineering and administrative controls are not feasible.
51 - 1910.1000, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1 - Hazardous components of diesel engine emissions.
52 - 1910.1000 - OSHA standards do not include surface contamination criteria or quantifications for skin absorption
53 - 1910.1000 - General overview of safe handling of arsenic containing compounds.
54 - 1910.1000, 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1 - Information on hazards of dry photocopiers
55 - 1910.1000 - Nuisance dust standard applies to grain dust exposures.
56 - 1910.1000 - Hazardous exposures to pesticides may be cited under the general duty clause.
57 - 1910.1000 - Petroleum asphalt removed from coverage under the Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles Standard
58 - 1910.1000 - Status and applicability of Thiram standards in Washington and Oregon.
59 - 1910.1000 - Allowable Airborne Concentrations of Mercury