# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1904.31 - Determining who is responsible for recording an Injury or illness of police officer candidates when they attend training at a police academy.
2 - 1904.31 - Recording Injuries and Illnesses of Temporary Workers versus HIPAA Requirements
3 - 1904.31 - Clarification of 1904.31 regarding who is responsible for recording injuries and illnesses when supervision is shared by a prime contractor and subcontractors.
4 - 1904.31, 1904.31(a), 1904.31(b)(2), 1904.31(b)(3), 1904.31(b)(4) - Determining who is the responsible party to record an injury or illness
5 - 1904.31 - Clarification of OSHA safety requirements between a temporary staffing agency and its client
6 - 1904.31, 1904.31(a), 1904.31(b) - Clarifying the Recordability Criteria of Several Examples Addressing the Issues of Determining Work-relatedness and Covered Employees
7 - 1904.31, 1904.31(a) - Clarification of Multiple Business Establishments and Covered Employees
8 - 1904.31 - Whether to record injuries that occur to a contract employee when traveling from an offshore manned platform complex to other downfield fixed platforms.
9 - 1904.31 - Evaluation of seven scenarios for work-relatedness and recordkeeping requirements.
10 - 1904.31 - Participation by professional sports teams in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses; definition of independent contractor versus employee.
11 - 1904.31 - Recording criteria for cases involving workers from a temporary help service, employee leasing service, or personnel supply service.
1 - 1904.31 - How is the term "supervised" in section 1904.31 defined for the purpose of determining whether the host employer must record the work-related injuries and illnesses of employees obtained from a temporary help service?
2 - 1904.31 - If a temporary personnel agency sends its employees to work in an establishment that is not required to keep OSHA records, does the agency have to record the recordable injuries and illnesses of these employees?
# Regulations
1 - 1904.31 - Covered employees.