OSHA Dictionaries - English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English
OSHA's Hispanic Task Force developed these English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English dictionaries. The dictionaries include over 2,000 general OSHA, general industry, and construction industry terms. They are intended to assist OSHA, Susan Harwood Training Grant applicants and recipients, and others in their Spanish-language translations. Phonetic pronunciation guides are included in the dictionaries for frequently used general industry and frequently used construction industry terms.
General OSHA Terms
- English to Spanish - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos Generales de OSHA (Inglés a Español)) (PDF).
- Spanish to English - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos generales de OSHA (Español a Inglés)) (PDF).
Frequently Used General Industry Terms
- English to Spanish (with phonetic pronunciation guide) - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos Generales frecuentemente utilizados (Inglés a Español)) (PDF).
- Spanish to English - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos Generales frecuentemente utilizados (Español a Inglés)) (PDF).
General Industry Terms
- English to Spanish - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos de la Industria General (Inglés a Español)) (PDF).
- Spanish to English - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos de la Industria General (Español a Inglés)) (PDF).
Frequently Used Construction Industry Terms
- English to Spanish (with phonetic pronunciation guide) - (Diccionario de OSHA - Términos frecuentemente utilizados en la Industria de la Construcción (Inglés a Español)) (PDF).
- Spanish to English - (Términos frecuentemente utilizados en la Industria de la Construcción (Español a Inglés)) (PDF).
Construction Industry Terms