Join the
National Safety
To Prevent Falls in Construction

2015 Highlights
OSHA partners with thousands of businesses to save lives by preventing falls in construction
- Over 150 public events were held across the country.
- Companies with less than 25 employees accounted for 45% of the Stand-Downs.
- Over 150,000 workers participated in Stand-Downs outside the United States.
- 1.5 million US Air Force active duty, reserves and civilian personnel participated.
The National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction Final Report on the 2014 & 2015 Safety Stand-Downs (PDF). CPWR - The Center for Construction Research & Training, (2015, October).
Several areas decided to pull together community‐wide stand‐down events.
"We held our Stand‐Down in conjunction with a couple of the organizations in town which took place at a specific date and time. The goal was to make it so that the entire city "went quiet" while this took place."
"Two hours after scheduled, all Public Works Workers [from the town of [Town Name]] reported to Town Hall coffee and donuts were available. We started with Sec. Perez video then showed a DVD on Ladder Safety followed by a quiz and discussion."
"We at the City of [City Name] participated in the National Safety Stand‐Down for Fall protection. We partnered with local [Organization Name] and did (15) separate meetings city wide effecting more than 200 people. Thanks you for the opportunity to spread the message of fall prevention."
Unfortunately, many companies were able to draw from real‐life examples of falls to make the stand‐down relatable.
"Recent injuries and tragedies here in [City Name] steered us to re‐enforce and reaffirm our commitment to safety during the tunneling operations. Supervisors checked and rechecked personal safety gear and open conversation about current safety directives set forth by [Company] and [Company 2] were discussed."
"Most of the training conducted was hands on with demonstrations on site. We shared stories of our own experiences with falls, as well as stories and videos from the web."
"We had an employee death in May 2014, and our participation in this event was a way to remind all employees of the importance of fall prevention measures, and the serious consequences of taking shortcuts."