Description for 5963: Direct Selling Establishments
Division G: Retail Trade | Major Group 59: Miscellaneous Retail
Industry Group 596: Nonstore Retailers
5963 Direct Selling Establishments
- Bakery goods, purchased: house-to-house-retail
- Canvassers (door-to-door), headquarters for retail sale of merchandise
- Dairy products, house-to-house-retail
- Direct selling organizations (headquarters of door-to-door
- House delivery of purchased milk-retail
- House-to-house selling of coffee, soda, beer, bottled water, or other
- Huckters-retail
- Ice cream wagons-retail
- Lunch wagons, mobile-retail
- Magazine subscription sales, except mail-order-retail
- Magazines, house-to-house selling
- Milk delivery and sale of purchased milk, without processing-retail
- Newspapers, home delivery: except by newspaper printers or
- Party-plan merchandising-retail