Description for 2252: Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified
Division D: Manufacturing | Major Group 22: Textile Mill Products
Industry Group 225: Knitting Mills
2252 Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified
- Anklets, hosiery
- Boys'hosiery
- Children's hosiery
- Dyeing and finishing hosiery, except women's full-length and
- Girls'hosiery
- Hosiery, except women's and misses'full-length and knee-length
- Leg warmers
- Men's hosiery
- Nylons, except women's full-length and knee-length
- Socks
- Socks, slipper-mitse
- Stockings, except women's and misses'full-length and knee-length
- Tights, except women's