Description for 0723: Crop Preparation Services for Market, Except Cotton Ginning
Division A: Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing | Major Group 07: Agricultural Services
Industry Group 072: Crop Services
0723 Crop Preparation Services for Market, Except Cotton Ginning
- Bean cleaning
- Corn shelling
- Cotton seed delinting
- Drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits, and vegetables
- Flax decorticating and retting
- Fruit precooling, not in connection with transportation
- Fruit vacuum cooling
- Grain cleaning
- Grain fumigation
- Grain grinding, custom
- Moss ginning
- Nut hulling and shelling
- Packaging fresh or farm dried fruits and vegetables
- Peanut shelling, custom
- Potato curing
- Seed cleaning
- Sorting, grading, and packing of fruits and vegetables
- Sweet potato curing
- Tobacco grading
- Vegetable precooling, not in connection with transportation
- Vegetable vacuum cooling