Description for 0181: Ornamental Floriculture and Nursery Products
Division A: Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing | Major Group 01: Agricultural Production Crops
Industry Group 018: Horticultural Specialties
0181 Ornamental Floriculture and Nursery Products
- Bedding plants, growing of
- Bulbs, growing of
- Field nurseries: growing of flowers and shrubbery, except forest
- Florists'greens, cultivated growing of
- Flowers, growing of
- Foliage, growing of
- Fruit stocks, growing of
- Greenhouses for floral products
- Mats, preseeded: soil erosion-growing of
- Nursery stock, growing of
- Plants, ornamental: growing of
- Plants, potted: growing of
- Rose growers
- Seeds, flower and vegetable: growing of
- Shrubberies, except forest shrubbery: growing of
- Sod farms
- Vegetable bedding plants, growing of