Inspection Detail
Inspection: 313127508 - Gbc Metals Llc Dba Olin Brass
Inspection Information - Office: Bridgeport
Site Address:
Gbc Metals Llc Dba Olin Brass
215 Piedmont Street
Waterbury, CT 06706
Mailing Address:
, , 00000
Union Status: NonUnion
NAICS: 331421/ Copper Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
Inspection Type: Accident
Scope: Partial
Advanced Notice: N
Ownership: Private
Safety/Health: Safety
Close Conference: 10/05/2010
Emphasis: N:Amputate
Case Closed: 05/03/2011
Type | Activity Nr | Safety | Health |
Accident | 101521151 | ||
Referral | 202630885 | Yes |
Violations/Penalties | Serious | Willful | Repeat | Other | Unclass | Total |
Initial Violations | 1 | 1 | ||||
Current Violations | 1 | 1 | ||||
Initial Penalty | $7,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $7,000 |
Current Penalty | $6,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $6,000 |
FTA Penalty | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
# | Citation ID | Citaton Type | Standard Cited | Issuance Date | Abatement Due Date | Current Penalty | Initial Penalty | FTA Penalty | Contest | Latest Event | Note |
1. | 01001 | Serious | 19100212 A01 | 10/22/2010 | 10/27/2010 | $6,000 | $7,000 | $0 | I - Informal Settlement |
Investigation Summary
Employee #1, the operator of the 21 furnace, was operating a furnace. They had just performed a heat change (increase temperature of the furnace) and was running product. Coworker #1 had seen Employee #1 with a bottle of alcohol and a rag and figured that he was going to clean the rolls of the bridle. After about ten minutes, Coworker #1 got off the PIT and noticed that the machine was down. He looked at the front tower and noticed that it was still up with metal in it. Coworker #1 thought that Employee #1 might be in the lab so he checked and he was not. Coworker #1 then ran to the front bridle section and found Employee #1 caught up in the rolls of the bridle. Coworker #1 called for help then 911 was called. Employee #1 was dead upon arrival to Saint Mary's Hospital. Employee #1 had one arm in between the top and second roll and another possibly between the first and second. Once his arm was caught, it pulled him into the rolls until his shoulder, neck and chest were tight up against the bridle. According to the autopsy, Employee #1 died from blunt neck and chest trauma and traumatic asphyxia. At the time of the accident the front bridle was not guarded. The rear bridle was guarded somewhat better, but there wasn't access to the rear bridle because of the configuration of the machine.
# | Inspection | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 313127508 | Fatality | Other | Machine operators, not specified |