Inspection Detail
Inspection: 310603048 - Ris Electrical Contractors Inc
Inspection Information - Office: San Bernardino District Office
Site Address:
Ris Electrical Contractors Inc
1200 Hill Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Mailing Address:
7330 Sycamore Canyon Blvd Suite 1, Riverside, CA 92508
Union Status: Union
NAICS: 238210/Electrical Contractors
Inspection Type: Accident
Scope: Partial
Advanced Notice: N
Ownership: Private
Safety/Health: Safety
Close Conference: 08/11/2008
Case Closed: 03/23/2010
Type | Activity Nr | Safety | Health |
Accident | 102552148 |
Violations/Penalties | Serious | Willful | Repeat | Other | Unclass | Total |
Initial Violations | 2 | 2 | ||||
Current Violations | 2 | 2 | ||||
Initial Penalty | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,370 | $0 | $1,370 |
Current Penalty | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,370 | $0 | $1,370 |
FTA Penalty | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
# | Citation ID | Citaton Type | Standard Cited | Issuance Date | Abatement Due Date | Current Penalty | Initial Penalty | FTA Penalty | Contest | Latest Event | Note |
1. | 01001 | Other | 3646 L01 | 08/11/2008 | 08/24/2008 | $685 | $685 | $0 | - | ||
2. | 01002 | Other | 3645 A | 08/11/2008 | 08/24/2008 | $685 | $685 | $0 | - |
Investigation Summary
At approximately 7:00 a.m. on May 22, 2008, Employee #1 and Employee #2, of RIS Electrical Contractors, Incorporated, were working at Cajon High School. They were utilizing a scissor lift (Snorkel/Economy, Model Number: SP- 21-30, Serial Number: FG 66191D, Capacity: 500 pounds) to remove overhead light fixtures in the school gymnasium. They were to position the lift over the south side of the wooden basketball court and the west (top) end of the concrete wheel chair access ramp to the court. In an effort to eliminate the difference in elevation due to the sloped access ramp, they positioned a makeshift, unsecured wooden assembly down slope on the ramp. The lift was then driven into position. The lift's roll-out platform extension end was over the ramp, with one of its wheels directly on the ramp and the other on the unsecured wooden assembly. The other end of the lift remained on the wooden floor of a basketball court. The lift's platform was then raised to its maximum position (21 feet and 3 inches). The two employees began pulling on one of the light fixtures to remove it. The unsecured wooden assembly displaced under the lift and the lift tipped over in an easterly direction (down the ramp). Employee #1 and Employee #2 were ejected from the lift and both sustained unspecified serious injuries. They were transported to Loma Linda University Medical Center. Employee #1 was hospitalized with bruises, contusions, and abrasions, and Employee #2 was hospitalized with a fractured back.
# | Inspection | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 310603048 | Hospitalized injury | Bruise/Contus/Abras | Electricians | ||
2 | 310603048 | Hospitalized injury | Fracture | Electricians |