Inspection Detail
Inspection: 1738356.015 - Glenn'S 24 Hr. Towing, Inc.
Inspection Information - Office: Appleton Area Office
Site Address:
Glenn'S 24 Hr. Towing, Inc.
2245 Ullmer Court
Howard, WI 54303
Mailing Address:
3157 Cottage Road, Green Bay, WI 54311
Union Status: NonUnion
NAICS: 488410/Motor Vehicle Towing
Inspection Type: Fat/Cat
Scope: Partial
Advanced Notice: N
Ownership: Private
Safety/Health: Safety
Close Conference: 04/01/2024
Case Closed: 09/30/2024
Type | Activity Nr | Safety | Health |
Accident | 2147384 | ||
Referral | 2147269 | Yes |
Investigation Summary
At 12:33 p.m. on April 1, 2024, an employee working as a tow truck driver for a 24-hour towing service was dispatched to tow an abandoned vehicle. The employee was working alone at the time. He arrived onsite and loaded the vehicle onto the International Cab Chassis with a 22-foot NRC flatbed tow truck. The employee went between the back of the truck cab headache rack and the flatbed to retrieve chains to secure the vehicle. As the employee was in this area the loaded flatbed continued moving forward. The employee was crushed between the flatbed and the truck cab. A passerby discovered the employee sometime later pinned between the flatbed and the truck cab, at which time the passerby contacted emergency services. The employee had died before emergency services arrived. The cause of his death was determined to be blunt impacts and crushing injuries to his torso and lower extremities, a spinal fracture, intestinal contusions and pelvic fractures.
Keywords: Abdomen, Arm, Blunt force, Blunt force trauma, Caught Between, Contusion, Crushed, Crushing, Driver, Flatbed Truck, Fracture, Internal Injuries, Leg, Loading, Material Handling, Misjudgment, Misjudgment of Hazardous Situation, Motor Vehicle, Pelvis, Pinch Point, Pinched, Pinned, Torso, Tow Truck, Truck, Truck Driver, Unsafe Position, Unsecured, Unstable Load
# | Inspection | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 1738356.015 | 64 | M | Fatality |