Inspection Detail
Inspection: 1540806.015 - American Cast Iron Pipe Company
Inspection Information - Office: Birmingham
Site Address:
American Cast Iron Pipe Company
1500 32nd Ave North
Birmingham, AL 35207
Mailing Address:
1500 32nd Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35207
Union Status: NonUnion
NAICS: 331110
Inspection Type: Fat/Cat
Scope: Partial
Advanced Notice: N
Ownership: Private
Safety/Health: Safety
Close Conference: 07/02/2021
Case Closed: 02/02/2022
Type | Activity Nr | Safety | Health |
Accident | 1782804 | ||
Inspection | 1546241 | Yes |
Investigation Summary
At 10:45 a.m. on July 1, 2021, an employee, the switchman, was standing on the front steps of the locomotive at the engineer's side. A coworker was operating the locomotive and traveling approximately 10 miles per hour in the trainyard when an approximate 9.5-inch section of railhead broke off causing a derailment. The derailment started shortly after the switch with the engine and ended with the engine completely derailed and the first car partially derailed. Before the train stopped, the engineer's side of the engine struck two scrap hopper cars that were part of another train that was stopped and located on the adjacent Pond track. The employee was riding on the engine's front steps on the engineer's side when the derailment occurred and was caught between the engine and the second scrap hopper car on the Pond track. The employee was crushed and had severe lacerations to the chest and abdominal areas. The employee was killed from these injuries.
Keywords: Abdomen, Caught Between, Chest, Crushed, Laceration, Locomotive, Train
# | Inspection | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 1540806.015 | 57 | M | Fatality | Railroad brake, signal and switch operators |