Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 818898 - Employee struck and killed by overloaded crane boom
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
18297622 | 03/28/1990 | 1629 | 0 | Ray Qualmann Marine Construction Company |
Abstract: A barge mounted lattice boom crane was being used to land and jump concrete sea wall panels while they were being jetted. The boom crane was overloaded by approximately 2 tons, according to the load capacity chart. This overloading caused the boom hoist cable to part, and the boom to drop and strike Employee #1 on the head and back. He died.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 18297622 | Fatality | Other | Occupation not reported |