- Part Number:1926
- Part Number Title:Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
- Subpart:1926 Subpart CC
- Subpart Title:Cranes and Derricks in Construction
- Standard Number:
- Title:Standard Hand Signals
- GPO Source:
Appendix A to Subpart CC of Part 1926—Standard Hand Signals
STOP - With arm extended horizontally to the side, palm down, arm is swung back and fourth.
EMERGENCY STOP - With both arms extended horizontally to the side, palms down, arms are swung back and fourth.
HOIST - With upper arm extended to the side, forearm and index finger pointing straight up, hand and finger make small circles.
RAISE BOOM - With arm extended horizontally to the side, thumb points up with other finger closed.
SWING - With arm extended horizontally, index finger points in direction that boom is to swing.
RETRACT TELESCOPING BOOM - With hands to the front at waist level, thumbs point at each other with other fingers closed.
RAISE THE BOOM AND LOWER THE LOAD - With arm extended horizontally to the side and thumb pointing up, fingers open and close while load movement is desired.
DOG EVERYTHING - Hands hel together at waist level.
LOWER - With arms and index finger pointing down, hand and finger make small circles.
LOWER BOOM - With arm extended horizontally to the side, thumb down with other fingers closed.
EXTENDED TELESCOPING BOOM - With hands to the front at waist level, thumbs point outward with other fingers closed.
TRAVEL/TOWER TRAVEL - With all fingers pointing up, arm is extended horizontally out and back to make a pushing motion in the direction of travel.
LOWER THE BOOM AND RAISE THE LOAD - With arm extended horizontally to the side and thumb pointing down, fingers open and close while load movement is desired.
MOVE SLOWLY - A hand is placed in front of the hand that is giving the action signal.
USE AUXILIARY HOIST - (whipline) - With arm bent at elbow and forearm vertical, elbow is tapped with other hand. Then regular signal is used to indicate desired action.
CRAWLER CRANE TRAVEL, BOTH TRACKS - Rotate fists around each other in front of body; direction of rotation away from body indicates travel forward; rotation towards body indicates travel backward.
USE MAIN HOIST - A hand taps on top of head. Then regular signal is given to indicate desired action.
CRAWLER CRANE TRAVEL, ONE TRACK - Indicate track to be locked by raising fist in front of body in direction that other ttrack is to travel.
TROLLEY TRAVEL - With palm up, fingers closed and thumb pointing in direction of motion, hand is jerked horiontally in direction trolley is to travel.
[75 FR 48173, Aug. 9, 2010]