Industry Settlement Agreements

An Industry Settlement Agreement (ISA) is a legal agreement between OSHA and one or more industry groups, typically reached after an industry legally challenges a new or revised OSHA health or safety standard. The ISA may be posted as a notice in the Federal Register, amended to an OSHA standard, attached to an OSHA compliance instruction, issued by memorandum to OSHA's field offices, or otherwise maintained by the Labor Department's Office of the Solicitor. Listed below are notable ISAs grouped by the applicable OSHA standard(s).

For more information about these agreements, please contact the Office of the Solicitor's Division of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). This Division is responsible for the legal work arising out of the Department's administration and enforcement of, and the performance of related legal activities under, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
[12/09/2003] —  American Petroleum Institute
[02/19/2014] —  American Petroleum Institute
[04/26/2018] —  Edison Electric Institute
[02/13/2015] —  Edison Electric Institute
[08/22/2011] —  Edison Electric Institute
[05/26/2021] —  Harsco Corp., et al.
[04/24/2018] —  Materion Brush
[05/19/2016] —  National Association of Home Builders
[11/16/2001] —  National Association of Manufacturers
[03/15/1995] —  Safe Buildings Alliance
[06/21/1994] —  Steelworkers
[04/03/2016] —  Telecommunications Industry