# | Federal Register |
1 | - 1926.760(b) - 79:35189-35191 - Steel Erection; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF |
# | Standard Interpretations |
1 | - 1926.760(b), 1926.760(b)(1), 1926.760(b)(3) - Evaluation if moving point-to-point on concrete wall to make initial connections of structural steel is "connecting" work; landing loads on systems-engineered metal building. |
2 | - 1926.760(b) - Use of fall protection by deaf employees performing steel erection activities. |
3 | - 1926.760(b) - OSHA standards set minimum safety and health requirements;they do not prohibit employers from adopting more stringent requirements. |
# | Regulations |
1 | - - Fall protection. |