# Regulations
1 - 1910.104 - Oxygen.
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.104 - Letter requesting that OSHA modify its strict application of the standard at 1910.104.
2 - 1910.104 - At-home transfilling of portable oxygen cylinders by patients.
3 - 1910.104 - Bulk oxygen system at the Southwest Steel Company at Grafton, West Virginia.
4 - 1910.104 - Brazed joints in an oxygen piping installation.
# Federal Register
1 - 1910.104 - 58:57628-57631 - Oregon State Standards; Approval.
2 - 1910.104 - 39:9957 - Oxygen
3 - 1910.104 - 37:6575 - Oxygen