# Federal Register
1 - 1910.102 - 76:75782-75786 - Revising Standards Referenced in the Acetylene Standard - PDF
2 - 1910.102 - 77:13997 - Revising Standards Referenced in the Acetylene Standard - PDF
3 - 1910.102 - 76:75840-75844 - Revising Standards Referenced in the Acetylene Standard - PDF
4 - 1910.102 - 74:57883-57884 - Revising Standards Referenced in the Acetylene Standard - PDF
5 - 1910.102, 1910.102(a) - 74:57883-57884 - Revising Standards Referenced in the Acetylene Standard - PDF
6 - 1910.102 - 58:57628-57631 - Oregon State Standards; Approval.