- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Proposed Rule
- Fed Register #:55:3412-3415
- Standard Number:
- Title:Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Proposed Rule;Notice of Informal Public Hearing; Reopening Written Comment Period
Schedules an informal public hearing concerning the notice of proposed rulemaking which OSHA issued on 8/16/80(54 FR 33832) on personal protective equipment (PPE) for General Industry. This notice also reopens the comment period for written responses to the proposed rule. The hearing is scheduled to begin on April 3, 1990 in Washington, D.C. OSHA is soliciting testimony, with supporting information, on the following issues: the utility of the marking (which identifies the manufacturer) currently required on eye and face protectors; the extent to which third party certification of the PPE covered by this proposal would be appropriate; the extent to which the use of photochromic lenses should be limited; the need for additional requirements for training in proper use of PPE; and the need for additional provisions which address contact lenses, low-risk eye protection and bump caps. Written comments must be postmarked by 3/20/90; notices of intention to appear, by 3/13/90. For information contact Tom Hall 523-8615 (Hearing), James Foster 523-8151 (Proposal and Hearing).