• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Proposed Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Proposed Rule
OSHA proposes to revise portions of the general industry standards
addressing personal protective equipment. The standards proposed for
revision regulate the design, selection, and use of personal
protective equipment (eye, face, head and foot protection). Many of
the standards are design restrictive, and/or outdated, and must be
supplemented by administrative action to permit the use of more
recently developed PPE which provide equivalent or better
protection. OSHA would delete, where appropriate, existing
specification provisions and use performance- oriented provisions to
address hazards to the eyes, face, head and foot. OSHA would also
provide clearer requirements and guidance for the selection and use
of PPE. Comments on this proposal and requests for a hearing are due
by October 16, 1989.