Federal Agency Training

Most all OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Courses are open to Federal, State, and Local Agency Employees and do not have a tuition fee associated with the training. See the OTI Training Schedule for Federal, State, and Local Agency Employees page for enrollment instructions. One online course, specifically for federal agencies, is the #6008 Intro to OSHA for Other Federal Agencies and can be accessed here: https://oshaelearning.geniussis.com/PublicWelcome.aspx. In addition, each year OSHA provides a week of training to federal employees, called FEDWEEK: https://www.osha.gov/enforcement/fap/fedweek

Other locations that conduct safety and health training. Note that these courses are individually developed by the agency and are not OSHA courses. OSHA does not provide these listings as recommendations.

Further guidance for OSH training for federal agencies can be found here: https://www.osha.gov/dep/facosh/osha_training_guidelines2014.pdf