If you're not sure which cooperative programs may be right for you, try answering the following questions:

  • Are you a small business in a high-hazard industry looking for help in improving your safety and health management system and complying with OSHA requirements? Go to On-Site Consultation

  • Are you concerned that your small business can't afford to hire private safety consultants? Go to On-Site Consultation

  • Are you a small business that would like to be recognized for your exemplary workplace safety and health management system? Go to Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)

  • Is your worksite prepared to adopt a comprehensive, rigorous safety and health management system tailored to your workplace's specific needs? Go to Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP)

  • Would your worksite like to be recognized for its commitment to worker safety and become a mentor to help other companies improve their safety performance? Go to Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP)

  • Is your worksite interested in a step-by-step approach to improving its safety and health management system? Go to OSHA Challenge

  • Is your association, industry group, business, union, or other organization interested in working cooperatively with OSHA under a formal agreement to create or enhance safety and health management systems, prevent specific workplace hazards, or address other worker protection issues at participating worksites? Go to Strategic Partnerships

  • Is your association, industry group, business, union, or other organization interested in working with OSHA under a formal agreement to improve workplace safety and health by developing compliance assistance tools and resources, sharing safety and health information with workers and employers, and educating workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities? Go to Alliances

  • Is your association, industry group, business, union, or other organization located in a State with an OSHA-approved State Plan? Go to State Programs and click on your state in the Quick Links box