Success Stories

Success stories from OSHA's On-Site Consultation Program and Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) recognize both the important work of On-Site Consultation and small business employers who operate exemplary safety and health programs. On-Site Consultation and SHARP are voluntary programs. To submit a request for a comprehensive consultation, see OSHA's Consultation Directory.

Authorized representatives from SHARP companies who would like to share their story of workplace safety and health may do so by working with their On-Site Consultant. To locate the On-Site Consultation program nearest you, see OSHA's Consultation Directory.


Featured Success Stories

Crossroads Cooperative Receives SHARP Recognition at Three Locations in Western Nebraska

  • Crossroads Cooperative Association handles grain commodities such as corn, wheat, millet, milo, and beans.
  • The Sidney, Nebraska location received SHARP in February of 2024, with their Bridgeport and Gering locations being recognized into the program in August of 2023.

Perpetua Resources in Idaho Finds SHARP Success as It Prepares to Restore an Old Mine for Future Resources

  • Mineral development company that is working to restore an abandoned mine.
  • While in the restoration phase, Perpetua is operating under OSHA General Industry rules.
  • Perpetua was accepted into SHARP in September of 2023.

Iowa On-Site Consultation Works to Make Construction Sites Safer

  • In 2021, a Des Moines general contractor began working with consultation.
  • Since then, the company has received 10 on-site visits on 5 different construction sites and have identified and corrected 42 hazards.

CONN-OSHA On-Site Consultation Addresses a Combustible Dust Hazard in a Deburring Room

  • The consultant found accumulation of combustible dust, and through lab analysis determined it was explosive.
  • The employer implemented multiple controls to protect their 200 employees.

Do It Best Warehouse in Mesquite, Nevada Has Once Again Achieved SHARP

  • The distribution center team successfully renewed SHARP status for their site in July 2023.
  • Do It Best–Mesquite implemented new business practices that enhanced safety and training programs.

The Missouri On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program Assists Commercial Launder in Reducing Noise Levels in Southern Missouri

  • During the consultation, the health consultant determined that noise sampling needed to be done in the washroom area. After noise sampling was done, it was determined that employees were exposed over the action level of 85 decibels (dBA).
  • The health consultant worked with the company to implement engineering controls.
  • Once the noise controls were in place, the employees' exposure dropped by 8 dBA, putting them below the action level.

Puerto Rico OSHA On-Site Consultation Program Rethinking Marketing Strategies: Getting Back to Business

  • PR OSHA adopted the “PR (Puerto Rico) OSHA Takes to the Street” initiative.
  • Also entered a MOU with the island's primary financial institution to promote consultation.

Rhode Island's Consultation Program Consultation Program Promotes Health and Safety Business Equity and Inclusion in Underserved ZIP Codes

  • Consultation partnered with Rhode Island Health Equity Zone (HEZ) to better integrate health equity in the Work Safer RI policies and practices.
  • Held two events in 2023 to provide education and information to the broader business community.

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