Kreyòl ayisyen

Sekirite ak Sante nan Travay a SE LALWA ! (Job Safety and Health -- It's The Law Poster)
(OSHA 3839 - 2015)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF Add to cart )
Idantifye & siyale Labor Trafficking (Labor Trafficking Wallet Card)
(OSHA 4339 - 2023)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF )
Pwogram Pwoteksyon Denonsyatè OSHA (Whistleblower Protection: OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program Fact Sheet)
(OSHA FS-4423 - 2024)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF )
Depoze Plent Denonsytè anba Seksyon 11(c) Lwa 1970 OSH (Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under Section 11(c) of the OSH Act of 1970 Fact Sheet)
(OSHA FS-4424 - 2024)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF )
Reprezay akoz pale a pa ok (Whistleblower: Retaliation for Speaking Up Is Not Ok Poster)
(OSHA 4405 - 2024)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF )
TRAVAYÈ GEN DWA! (Whistleblower: Workers Have Rights (Card))
(OSHA 4418 - 2024)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF Add to cart )
Èske Anplwayè W Mete Sekirite W an Danje? (Workers' Rights: Is Your Employer Putting Your Safety at Risk? Wallet Card)
(OSHA 4323 - 2023)  (Kreyòl ayisyen(Haitian Creole): PDF )