Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 202544037 - Employee Is Injured in Fall from Shelf Stand
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
314861899 | 03/14/2012 | 5411 | 445110 | Bristol Farms |
Abstract: At approximately 12:00 p.m. on March 11, 2012, Employee #1 was reaching for a hose nozzle that was located on the top shelf inside the meat supply cabinet. The cabinet was located on a stand but was not secured to the wall. The employee stepped up onto the bottom edge of the meat supply cabinet, which was approximately 11 in. above the floor, with his foot halfway inside the cabinet, when it leaned forward and Employee #1 fell backwards. The employee fell against the adjacent wall and the cabinet landed against the wall at an angle above him. Employee #1 was taken to the hospital, where he received treatment for ruptured quadriceps, tendons, ligaments and nerves in the employee's right leg. Employee #1 had surgery on March 12, 2012 and was released after 24 hours.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 314861899 | Hospitalized injury | Other | Butchers and meat cutters |