Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 201771144 - Employee killed when tire fell on him
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
302718366 | 12/15/2000 | 4226 | 0 | Weeks Marine Inc. |
Abstract: At approximately 4:00 p.m. on December 14, 2000, Employee #1 was found by a coworker under the tire of a running fork truck. Employee #1 died when the tire fell on him. The tire was a Firestone Nylon tubeless Super Grip WB, 33.5-33 (L-3), MSN: A88R by C058. The fork truck was a Loader or Dozer of an approximate weight of 500 lb. It was about 7 ft 2 in. tall and 2 ft wide.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 302718366 | Fatality | Other | Occupation not reported |