Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 201390804 - Employee idies from burns in flash fire
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
307740829 | 09/09/2004 | 9531 | 925110 | Muskegon Heights Housing Commission |
Abstract: On September 17, 2004, Employee #1 was cleaning the basement of a rental unit between tenants, to remove some rubber carpet backing stuck to the floor. She poured some lacquer thinner onto the floor. In the immediate vicinity was the water heater. It appears that the lacquer thinner vapors traveled to the water heater, igniting them. Employee #1 was burned in the ensuing flash fire, and she died eight days later in the hospital.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 307740829 | Fatality | Burn/Scald(Heat) | Occupation not reported |