Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 201351848 - Employee thrown from garbage truck
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
303989131 | 06/05/2002 | 4212 | 0 | Republic Services Of Florida, Limited Partnership |
Abstract: On June 5, 2002, Employee #1 was a member of a three-man garbage collection crew that consisted of the driver and two garbage collectors (throwers). The crew was using a truck specifically designed to collect garbage. The truck was a 1992 Mack Truck with a Heil 5000 Compactor that was installed to hold and compact the garbage. The truck was equipped with two riding steps located on the back on each side of the compactor. Both riding steps were damaged. The employer's policy was that throwers were permitted to travel on the riding steps only if the distance from one collection point to another was 0.2 mi. or less and the truck did not exceed 10 miles per hour. The truck was being driven from one collection point to the next with the throwers traveling on the riding steps. The distance between collection points at the time of the incident was 0.8 mi. and the truck was estimated to be traveling 19 to 39 miles per hour. When the truck traveled across a dip in the road, Employee #1 was thrown from his riding step and fell onto the road. He sustained a head injury and was killed.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 303989131 | Fatality | Fracture | Occupation not reported |