Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 201036928 - Employee Is Injured When He Steps in Hot Oil
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
125945386 | 03/11/2005 | 5812 | 722310 | Stuart Anderson'S Restaurant |
Abstract: On January 11, 2005, Employee #1 was working as a prep cook and regular employee at Stuart Anderson's Black Angus Restaurant. The restaurant had closed at 10:00 p.m., at which time the two oil fryers in the kitchen were turned off. Each fryer has a pan with surface dimensions of 21.5 in. by 15 in. and a depth of about 18 in. The two fryers were placed side by side with a 1 in. metal strip in between. The height of the top surface of the pan is about 36 in. from the floor bed. There is no manufacturer's name or model number available. To clean the vent/hood above the fryer, Employee #1 stood on the metal frame surrounding the top of the pan. He had his left foot on the metal strip on the left side of the left pan and his right foot on the metal strip in between two pans, which is basically the same as the metal strip on the right side of the left pan. As Employee #1 started cleaning the vent/hood at the top with a towel, he accidentally put his right foot in the pan containing hot oil. The temperature of the oil at the time of accident is not known, but the oil had been boiling about half an hour earlier. The oil was Mel Fry liquid frying oil distributed by Ventura Food of Brea. Nobody witnessed the accident, but other employees in that area did see foot swelling and blistering when Employee #1 took off his shoes and socks. Employee #1 sustained second degree burns on his right foot and ankle. He was treated in two clinics and later hospitalized in the Western Medical Center, in Santa Ana, CA, for ten days. A possible causal factor is a lack of access to clean the vent/hood area over the oil fryers.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 125945386 | Hospitalized injury | Burn/Scald(Heat) | Short-order cooks |