Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 201033792 - Employee fell from church attic and injured vertabra
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
300761434 | 07/17/2001 | 8661 | 0 | Parkcrest Christian Church |
Abstract: At approximately 4:00 PM on June 25, 2001, an employee of Parkcrest Christian Church fell from 8 ft 3 in high attic by walking backward into the floor opening due to lack of guardrails around it. He was hospitalized for vertebra injuries and hernia. The floor opening of 54 in. 31 in. was in the middle of the attic through which the attic ladder was accessed. Four months ago, the attic ladder was relocated to the current location in the middle of the attic because a room was added directly below where it was. At the time of accident, guardrails were not yet installed around the ladder access opening. On the day of accident, the new Facility Assistant was told by his supervisor to get help from Employee # 1, the former Facility Assistant, to bring down some tent canopies from the attic. At the attic, they found a canopy, and Employee # 1 tried to check it by unfolding it while walking backward toward the middle of attic, because he was accustomed to the old ladder location on a corner thus he momentarily forgot about the floor opening in the middle of attic. Due to lack of guardrails around the opening, he walked right into it to result an 8 ft 3 in fall. The ladder was a residential attic ladder that was pushed into the ceiling to conceal when not in use.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 300761434 | Hospitalized injury | Hernia | Occupation not reported |