Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 170155840 - Employee is impaled by rebar
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
119913754 | 06/23/1993 | 1521 | 0 | Vandguard Communications |
Abstract: Employee #1 was helping to dig a 3 foot deep by 3 foot wide trench on Gibraltar Mountain Antriona Farm. At the edge of the trench, toward the downside of the mountain, railroad ties (approximately 9 feet by 9 feet by 8 inches) had been anchored with 3/8 inch round rebar. The ties were used to retain soil and for decoration. The rebar anchor, situated approximately 2 feet deep and approximately 8 to 9 inches above ground, was even with the top of the tie and attached to it with a v-shaped anchor and rusty 16-penny nails. When Employee #1 stepped on the edge of the tie, it was knocked out of place and rolled away from the rebar. Employee #1 fell straight down and was impaled. The 9 inch rebar entered his buttocks and groin area and exited below his belly button. He suffered no internal injuries. Employee #1 was hospitalized and released 4 days after surgery.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 119913754 | Hospitalized injury | Puncture | Helpers, construction trades |