Accident Report Detail
Accident Summary Nr: 14345540 - Security guard killed when crushed by backing semi-trailer
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
18239681 | 08/23/1990 | 7381 | 0 | Globe Security Systems, Inc. |
Inspection Nr | Date Opened | SIC | NAICS | Establishment Name |
17662073 | 09/05/1990 | 5143 | 0 | Sunny Florida Distributors, Inc. |
Abstract: Unknown to the driver, Employee #1, a security guard, was loitering behind a semi-trailer. He was not involved with the trucking operation. The truck backed up, crushing him between the loading dock and the rear of the trailer. Employee #1 was killed.
Employee # | Inspection Nr | Age | Sex | Degree of Injury | Nature of Injury | Occupation |
1 | 18239681 | Fatality | Other | Occupation not reported | ||
2 | 17662073 | Occupation Not Listed |