
OSHA Directives

Shipyard Employment (Only)

Longshoring & Marine Terminals (Only)

General Maritime

OSHA Letters of Interpretation

Maritime letters of interpretation that have been issued and remain valid have been incorporated into the Shipyard Employment "Tool Bag" Directive, Longshoring and Marine Terminals "Tool Shed" Directive, and Commercial Diving Operations Directive. Interpretations previously issued by OSHA were reviewed to determine their current validity and accuracy before inclusion into these directives. Interpretations for which standard references have been changed were updated to reflect the current standard reference before inclusion into these directives. Additional standard interpretations and compliance letters are available. Please use the search function to limit your search to specific topics.

Review Commission and Administrative Law Judge Decisions

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is an independent Federal agency created to decide contests of citations or penalties resulting from OSHA inspections of American work places. To locate decisions related to this topic, search for keywords at the OSHRC site.

Office of Maritime Enforcement

Provides a strategic and planned program to address occupational safety and health enforcement for the maritime industries including comprehensive program guidelines, policies, procedures, technical assistance, and information dissemination. Their information page provides contact information and describes the functions of the individuals within this office.