- Part Number:1990
- Part Number Title:Identification Classification and Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens
- Standard Number:
- Title:Final action.
- GPO Source:
The Secretary may issue no more than one such notice, unless the Secretary determines that
new evidence which was unavailable during the rulemaking proceeding has just become available;
the evidence is so important that a final rule could not reasonably be issued without this evidence, and;
the record is reopened for receipt of comments and/or a hearing on this evidence. This paragraph does not require the Secretary to consider any evidence which is submitted after the dates established for the submission of evidence.
If the substance is classified as a Category I Potential Carcinogen, the final standard shall conform to the provisions of § 1990.142(a)(2)(iii). If the final standard contains other provisions that substantially differ from the proposed provisions, the Secretary shall explain the reasons for the changes in the preamble to the final standard.
If the substance is classified as a Category II potential carcinogen, the final standard shall conform to the provisions of § 1990.142(a)(3)(iii). If the final standard contains other provisions that substantially differ from the proposed provisions, the Secretary shall explain the reasons for the changes in the preamble to the final standard.
If, after a rulemaking, the Secretary determines that the substance under consideration should not be classified as a Category I potential carcinogen or a Category II potential carcinogen, the Secretary shall publish a notice of this determination in the FEDERAL REGISTER, together with the reasons therefor.