- Part Number:1990
- Part Number Title:Identification Classification and Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens
- Standard Number:
- Title:Consideration of substantial new issues or substantial new evidence.
- GPO Source:
Substantial new issues. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the Secretary will consider in a rulemaking proceeding on a specific substance any substantial new issues upon which the Secretary did not reach a conclusion in the rulemaking proceeding(s) underlying this part including conclusions presented in the preamble.
Substantial new evidence. Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the Secretary will consider in a rulemaking proceeding on a specific substance any arguments, data or views which he determines are based upon substantial new evidence which may warrant the amendment of one or more provisions of this part. For the purposes of this part, “substantial new evidence” is evidence directly relevant to any provision of this part and is based upon data, views or arguments which differ significantly from those presented in establishing this part, including amendments thereto.
Petition. Any interested person may file a written petition with the Secretary to consider "substantial new evidence" or one or more "substantial new issues" which contains the information specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The Secretary shall treat such a petition as a request to amend this part, as well as a petition to consider "substantial new evidence".
Contents. Each petition for consideration of "substantial new evidence" or one or more "substantial new issues" shall contain at least the following information:
Differ significantly from those presented in the proceeding(s) which establish this part;
Are so substantial as to warrant amendment of this part; and
Constitute a new issue or new evidence within the meaning of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
The Secretary shall respond to petitions under this paragraph in accordance with § 1990.106.
Whenever the Secretary determines that the "substantial new issue" or the "substantial new evidence" submitted under this paragraph is sufficient to initiate a proceeding to amend this part, the Secretary shall: