- Part Number:1990
- Part Number Title:Identification Classification and Regulation of Potential Occupational Carcinogens
- Standard Number:
- Title:General statement of regulatory policy.
- GPO Source:
This part establishes the criteria and procedures under which substances will be regulated by OSHA as potential occupational carcinogens. Although the conclusive identification of "carcinogens" is a complex matter "on the frontiers of science," (IUD v. Hodgson 499 F. 2d 467, 474 (D.C. Cir. 1974)), responsible health regulatory policy requires that criteria should be specified for the identification of substances which should be regulated as posing potential cancer risks to workers.
Worker exposure to Category I Potential Carcinogens will be reduced primarily through the use of engineering and work practice controls.
[45 FR 5282, Jan. 22, 1980, as amended at 46 FR 5881, Jan. 21, 1981]