- Part Number:1917
- Part Number Title:Marine Terminals
- Subpart:1917 Subpart D
- Subpart Title:Specialized Terminals
- Standard Number:
- Title:Terminal facilities handling menhaden and similar species of fish (See also § 1917.2, definition of hazardous cargo, materials, substance or atmosphere).
- GPO Source:
Tests shall be conducted by designated personnel with suitable test equipment and respiratory protective equipment complying with the provisions of § 1910.134 of this chapter.
At least four units of respiratory protective equipment consisting of supplied-air respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus complying with the requirements of § 1910.134 of this chapter shall be available in a suitably labeled cabinet for immediate use in case of emergency caused by oxygen deficiency or hydrogen sulfide. Any employee entering a tank in an emergency shall, in addition to respiratory protective equipment, wear a lifeline and safety harness to facilitate rescue. At least two other employees, similarly equipped, shall be continuously stationed outside the tank to observe and to provide rescue services.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983; 62 FR 40141, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40940, June 30, 2000]