• Part Number:
  • Part Number Title:
    Marine Terminals
  • Subpart:
    1917 Subpart A
  • Subpart Title:
    Scope and Definitions
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
  • GPO Source:

The following list identifies the 29 CFR citations for sections or paragraphs in this part that contain a collection of information requirement approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The list also provides the control number assigned by OMB to each approved requirement; control number 1218-0196 expires on May 31, 2002 and control number 1218-0003 expires on July 31, 2001. The list follows:

29 CFR citation OMB control number.
1917.17(n) 1218-0196
1917.17(o) 1218-0196
1917.23(b)(1) 1218-0196
1917.23(b)(2) 1218-0196
1917.23(d)(4) 1218-0196
1917.24(b) 1218-0196
1917.24(d) 1218-0196
1917.25(a) 1218-0196
1917.25(b) 1218-0196
1917.25(c) 1218-0196
1917.25(f) 1218-0196
1917.26(d)(7) 1218-0196
1917.30(a)(1) 1218-0196
1917.30(a)(5)(iii) 1218-0196
1917.42(b)(1) 1218-0196
1917.42(b)(4) 1218-0196
1917.42(c)(1) 1218-0196
1917.42(d)(1) 1218-0196
1917.42(g)(3) 1218-0003
1917.42(h)(1) 1218-0196
1917.42(h)(4) 1218-0003
1917.42(h)(5) 1218-0196
1917.44(e) 1218-0196
1917.44(h) 1218-0196
1917.45(f)(1)(i) 1218-0196
1917.45(f)(4)(iv) 1218-0196
1917.45(f)(6) 1218-0196
1917.45(g)(2) 1218-0196
1917.45(g)(3)(iii) 1218-0196
1917.45(g)(8) 1218-0196
1917.45(k)(1) 1218-0196
1917.45(k)(4) 1218-0196
1917.46(a)(1)(v) 1218-0196
1917.50(c)(1) 1218-0003
1917.50(c)(3) 1218-0003
1917.50(c)(4)(i) 1218-0003
1917.50(c)(5)(ii) 1218-0003
1917.50(c)(5)(iii) 1218-0003
1917.50(e) 1218-0003
1917.50(g)(1) 1218-0003
1917.50(h) 1218-0003
1917.71(a) 1218-0196
1917.71(b)(2)(i) 1218-0196
1917.71(b)(2)(ii) 1218-0196
1917.71(b)(6)(ii) 1218-0196
1917.71(f)(4) 1218-0196
1917.111(b) 1218-0196
1917.113 1218-0196
1917.115(c) 1218-0196
1917.116(e) 1218-0196
1917.116(g) 1218-0196
1917.117(a) 1218-0196
1917.117(b) 1218-0196
1917.117(d) 1218-0196
1917.117(e) 1218-0196
1917.117(f) 1218-0196
1917.117(l) 1218-0196
1917.118(e)(4)(i) 1218-0196
1917.119(e) 1218-0196
1917.122(a) 1218-0196
1917.122(b) 1218-0196
1917.128(b)(1)-(b)(4) 1218-0196
1917.151(e)(5) 1218-0196
1917.152(d)(2)(v) 1218-0196
1917.152(d)(2)(vi) 1218-0196

[64 FR 61505, Nov. 12, 1999]