- Part Number:1915
- Part Number Title:Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
- Subpart:1915 Subpart D
- Subpart Title:Welding, Cutting and Heating
- Standard Number:
- Title:Gas welding and cutting.
- GPO Source:
The provisions of this section shall apply to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking.
Transporting, moving and storing compressed gas cylinders.
Placing cylinders.
Treatment of cylinders.
Use of fuel gas. The employer shall thoroughly instruct employees in the safe use of fuel gas, as follows:
Before connecting a regulator to a cylinder valve, the valve shall be opened slightly and closed immediately. (This action is generally termed "cracking" and is intended to clear the valve of dust or dirt that might otherwise enter the regulator.) The person cracking the valve shall stand to one side of the outlet, not in front of it. The valve of a fuel gas cylinder shall not be cracked where the gas would reach welding work, sparks, flame or other possible sources of ignition.
The cylinder valve shall always be opened slowly to prevent damage to the regulator. To permit quick closing, valves on fuel gas cylinders shall not be opened more than 1½ turns. When a special wrench is required, it shall be left in position on the stem of the valve while the cylinder is in use so that the fuel gas flow can be shut off quickly in case of an emergency. In the case of manifolded or coupled cylinders, at least one such wrench shall always be available for immediate use. Nothing shall be placed on top of a fuel gas cylinder, when in use, which may damage the safety device or interfere with the quick closing of the valve.
Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds.
Fuel gas hose and oxygen hose shall be easily distinguishable from each other. The contrast may be made by different colors or by surface characteristics readily distinguishable by the sense of touch. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses shall not be interchangeable. A single hose having more than one gas passage, a wall failure of which would permit the flow of one gas into the other gas passage, shall not be used.
Hose which has been subjected to flashback or which shows evidence of severe wear or damage shall be tested to twice the normal pressure to which it is subject, but in no case less than two hundered (200) psi. Defective hose or hose in doubtful condition shall not be used.
Pressure regulators. Oxygen and fuel gas pressure regulators including their related gauges shall be in proper working order while in use.