- Part Number:1910
- Part Number Title:Occupational Safety and Health Standards
- Subpart:1910 Subpart H
- Subpart Title:Hazardous Materials
- Standard Number:
- Title:Additional requirements for dipping and coating operations that use flammable liquids or liquids with flashpoints greater than 199.4 °F (93 °C).
- GPO Source:
If you use flammable liquids, you must comply with the requirements of this section as well as the requirements of §§ 1910.123, 1910.124, and 1910.126, as applicable.
You must also comply with this section if: | And: |
If the ventilation rate drops below what is required by paragraph (b) of § 1910.124.
All electrical wiring and equipment conform to the applicable hazardous (classified)-area requirements of subpart S of this part (except as specifically permitted in paragraph (g) of § 1910.126); and
Is installed in accordance with NFPA 86A-1969, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces (which is incorporated by reference in § 1910.6 of this part);
You must prohibit smoking in a vapor area and must post a readily visible "No Smoking" sign near each dip tank.
Manual fire extinguishers that are suitable for flammable and combustible liquid fires and that conform to the requirements of § 1910.157; and
At least 100 °F (37.8 °C) below the liquid's autoignition temperature.
[64 FR 13909, March 23, 1999; 77 FR 17777, March 26, 2012]