- Part Number:1904
- Part Number Title:Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
- Subpart:1904 Subpart G
- Subpart Title:Definitions
- Standard Number:
- Title:Definitions.
- GPO Source:
The Act. The Act means the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.). The definitions contained in section 3 of the Act (29 U.S.C. 652) and related interpretations apply to such terms when used in this part 1904.
Establishment. An establishment is a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. For activities where employees do not work at a single physical location, such as construction; transportation; communications, electric, gas and sanitary services; and similar operations, the establishment is represented by main or branch offices, terminals, stations, etc. that either supervise such activities or are the base from which personnel carry out these activities.
No one industry description in the North American Industry Classification System (2007) codes applies to the joint activities of the establishments; and
If an employee telecommutes from home, is his or her home considered a separate establishment? No, for employees who telecommute from home, the employee's home is not a business establishment and a separate 300 Log is not required. Employees who telecommute must be linked to one of your establishments under § 1904.30(b)(3).
Injury or illness. An injury or illness is an abnormal condition or disorder. Injuries include cases such as, but not limited to, a cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation. Illnesses include both acute and chronic illnesses, such as, but not limited to, a skin disease, respiratory disorder, or poisoning. (Note: Injuries and illnesses are recordable only if they are new, work-related cases that meet one or more of the part 1904 recording criteria.)
Physician or Other Licensed Health Care Professional. A physician or other licensed health care professional is an individual whose legally permitted scope of practice (i.e., license, registration, or certification) allows him or her to independently perform, or be delegated the responsibility to perform, the activities described by this regulation.
You. "You" means an employer as defined in section 3 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 652).
[66 FR 6135, Jan. 19, 2001, 66 FR 6122, Jan. 19, 2001, 85 FR 8731, Feb 18, 2020]